Imagine being able to have a makeover without the expense of a new wardrobe, a personal trainer, or investing time and money in a course. Well, you can DIY through the power of your word. First thing in the morning when you wake up simply state: “I am the possibility of….(insert who you desire to be). Here are some examples:

I am the possibility of joy and peace
I am the possibility of power
I am the possibility of excitement and energy
I am the possibility of vitality, health, and wellness
I am the possibility of acceptance and fluidity
I am the possibility of….you get the picture the possibilities are endless!
Once you’ve stated your possibility, then state:

What your intention for the day is
What you are looking forward to, and
What you are grateful for
Doing this is more powerful when done with two or more people. It becomes even more powerful when done daily. Do your best to pick a time and go through this process at the same time daily. You’ll start to notice that when your mind is wandering during the day, or when you’re discouraged, unfocussed, or not satisfied with who you are, this morning routine redirects your focus and realigns you with your intention for the day. AS this practice becomes habitual you begin to think, act, and be the possibility that you create for yourself with your word. You can always change your possibility depending on your needs and feelings of the day.

Here’s an example of the conversation. I am Roxanne. I am the possibility of inspiration, balance, health, and empowerment. My intention is to be productive and efficient today. I look forward to going to bed early. I am grateful for my family. It’s that simple. Give it a try my friends.

Love and light. Stay bright.

Roxanne Christian~